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Increase Employee Involvement...

At MCTS, we design, develop, and implement Continuous Improvement Strategies. We are unique in our ability to simultaneously increase operational efficiencies while improving the quality of employee work relationships. 

We implement cost effective strategies that increase the operational Profit-Ability of your Projects & Teams. Employees achieve measurable gains that are easy for employees to understand, develop and improve on their own!

We provide or outsource many operational technologies you may need. We help you align your company operating systems and human resource systems in order to establish an integrated self-improving management system. Our goal is to set up a system that allows you to resolve potential problems before they happen.

Our Personal & Professional Coaching Services support the individual in facing, envisioning, and overcoming obstacles encountered while she or he designs, develops, and implements his/her own personal improvement strategies. These services also provide a low-cost way to solve some of your immediate life-management problems. Pamela Halstead Williamson is our coaching expert.

Our Manufacturing Training Courses provide a comprehensive framework for introducing or re-implementing ERP and MRP operating systems. Steve Williamson is our expert on manufacturing systems development.

Let us know the best times and ways to reach you. An in-depth discussion may be necessary to develop appropriate long or short-term solutions.



ERP-MRP Evolution…
ERP & Hoshin Kanri…
ERP Implementations… 
Profit-Ability Improvement... (¬Click here to see definitions)
Profit-Ability Management Principles... (¬Click here to see definitions)

People, Empowerment & Profit-Ability… (¬Click here to access articles)
Hoshin Kanri & Deming's Plan-Do-Check-Act... (PDCA) Cycle…

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