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eBook: Mentorship -- $3.00 Buy Now

Organizational Development &Mentorship: A More Productive Alternative to Hierarchical Management

~ An Adjunct to Teams ~ (Sample of Full-Text)

Part I: What is Mentorship?

A Mentor is, using the simplest definition, a teacher. Some teachers are mentors. Others are not. But all mentors have gone beyond simply teaching. Most of us have experienced being taught by teachers who had a good grasp of the material being taught. The same teacher might have taught the subject well, in a style easily accessible to us. Perhaps that teacher even inspired us in some way. There are a few key ideas that set mentoring apart from teaching. A teacher who knows the subject thoroughly, inspires us by talk and example, who encourages our making of creative mistakes, who truly wants us to succeed and does not feel threatened by our skills, ability and success, that teacher is a mentor. A mentor is also a leader. A mentor is a leader who nurtures our learning experience, respects our humanness and adulthood, and fiercely guards the process of the teaching/learning experience. A mentor is a leader who is conscious of the duality of the mentor/mentoree relationship and the direct payback s/he receives. As the mentor is learning also, the mentor becomes conscious of being only a point in the process. The mentor is learning how to inspire, teach, and be receptive to the mentoree’s experience. There is an equality that is present in mentoring that is not always present in the teaching/learning experience. This equality is born of respect, effort, integrity, ability, and mature cooperation.

Mentorship is a process of appropriate sensitization/desensitization in combination with teaching/learning. It is based on the concept of accepting the human being into the workplace as an asset because of their humanness. Because mentorship provides the tools necessary for welcoming the human into the workplace, and the skills to harness that humanity, that humanness will assist in the running of the company, as well as in teaching/learning process. The extra step of accepting responsibility for another’s job experience, and another’s learning/teaching process, engages employees with the company, co-workers, and the specific job in a way that does not come about in teamwork alone. Mentorship is a leadership skill. This leadership skill is accessible to all employees, working best when implemented across job delineation at the company wide level. Because this is leadership that both demands and invites maturity and skill, it can only broaden the corporate vision. 

Mentoring has requirements:

In it’s most basic form, mentoring requires, of the mentor, taking responsibility for another’s education and welfare in the workplace, the fearlessness to share what you know, and the willingness to be educated in return. Of the mentoree, mentor management requires a willingness to not fake the answers, to learn, and be willing to teach the mentor how to help you learn. 

The other requirement is recognizing you will be both mentor and mentoree at all times.

Part II: What’s the benefit?/Why does this work?

It may be helpful to look at “mentorship management” in terms of the more common “teamwork management” system currently in use, which in itself was an upgrade of the rigidly hierarchical management systems of the top-heavy companies of the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s. Mentorship management encompasses the basic principles of teamwork management and takes them one step further, creating a more flexible team with a higher level of commitment and skill. 

If properly implemented, destructive time-wasting competitiveness and “hoarding” of job assignments or skills are eliminated. Subtle bullying is eliminated. (Teamwork should have eradicated the expensive obvious bully when it was implemented) A certain equality becomes present within the team, regardless of external hierarchy. The equality creates a more generous flow of information, skill, and assignment sharing. The team itself becomes more fluid, owing to its higher levels of cooperation. 

The Cooping of information, skills and assignments means a higher creative level, more output, and a generally greater speed. This enables the entire company to engage more competitively in the marketplace. The higher level of commitment employees have to their teams directly translates to a higher corporate commitment, and has the added advantage of quickly pointing out any employee not able to engage in the manner required for team excellence.

Employees who are liabilities are quickly spotted by other team members, and the necessary intervention, whether education or termination, is handled early on, preventing loss of time and money to the corporation with minimal disruption to the team and work in progress.

Mentorship management honors the person as worker, encourages creative job engagement, enhances commitment to the job, company and coworkers, and saves time, money, and energy... (there's much more!)

eBook: Mentorship -- $3.00 Buy Now

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