Profit-“Ability” is a Skill...
Profit-“Ability” is the ability to produce profit. It is the preferred goal of improvement in business. Measurable gains are produced by quantifiable skills that can be scheduled, planned, promised and delivered to “upstream” customers internal or external to your business.
We train people to think profitably. Inmanufacturing, people can be trained to solve both production problems and self-improvement problems by developing their Profit-“Ability” skills.
Profit-“Ability” skills development provides strategic advantages that improve both workforce response-ability as well as individual response-ability. Promises are better kept. Wasted action is easy to identify and eliminate. Products and processes are mangaged directly by the people close to what matters in the work. Policing of the workforce can be completely eliminated.
We train managers first to recognize and re-work their faulty beliefs, mis-guided perceptions & non-productive workhabits. We then train and support managers in the development of mentorship strategies and coaching skills that empower their workforce. These communication skills help eliminate vagueness and false assumptions that crop up and undermine many otherwise sound management strategies. These skills are expanded to include improvement of company products, services and systems. Through this training, people establish a shared concrete vision of what Profit-“Ability” means for themselves and for the entire company.
Clear perception is the antidote for changing ineffective habits. When people can measure the cause & effect of their habits using concrete targets that others can see, Profit-“Ability” skills quickly improve. Your overhead goes down as workforce competence is measurably improved!
ERP-MRP Evolution…
ERP & Hoshin Kanri…
ERP Implementations…
Profit-Ability Improvement... (¬Click here to see definitions)
Profit-Ability Management Principles... (¬Click here to see definitions)
People, Empowerment & Profit-Ability… (¬Click here to access articles)
Hoshin Kanri & Deming's Plan-Do-Check-Act... (PDCA) Cycle…