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Elimination of Excess Inventory, Inflated Lead-Times, Waste & Defects of Any Kind!

OVERVIEW: JIT seeks to eliminate waste in all forms & environments. Waste is defined as any non-value added activity that constrains our ability to respond economically to change. KANBAN is a technique used to set an upper limit on inventory. It is a signal or visual record (card) used to authorize a piece or pieces of inventory. The total number of KANBANS in a system limits the amount of inventory in a manufacturing pipeline.

The JIT process demands that KANBANS be relentlessly removed as wasteful inventory to expose constraints to increasing manufacturing velocities. Making these now exposed constraints disappear demands the use of appropriate problem-solving tools---thus the absolute necessity of TQC is born.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: In this course fundamental definitions and changes in method, strategy, and expectation are introduced so that participants can begin to un-learn habits and beliefs about the manufacturing process that limit productivity, profitability, and compromise quality. Shigeo Shingo's famous seven wastes are: Waste of Over-Production; Waste of Waiting; Waste of Transportation; Waste of Stocks; Waste of Motion; Waste of Making Defects; and Waste of Processing (i.e. when products should not be made or a process should not be used).

The JIT process is accomplished by learning to manufacture "one less at a time" to: (1) continuously expose & prioritize wasteful constraints that limit our ability to economically respond to change; (2) stimulate everyone to think effectively about solutions to the prioritized constraints; and (3) provide visual feedback on our progress that can be measured or verified by others.

TQC philosophy is a commitment to process management. TQC is aimed at continuous improvement at all levels of the organization, including suppliers and customers. TQC applies to all processes and all products resulting from those processes, i.e. design, manufacture, marketing, and end-user satisfaction with a product focused on quality and the root-cause of problems that impact quality and timely delivery.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND THIS COURSE: Everyone! We use problem-solving techniques to uncover and eliminate the root-cause of a problem. JIT/TQC strategies are a commitment to making immediate, continual, on-going changes to our methods and processes to serve the economic constraints of the business and guarantee end-user satisfaction. JIT/TQC cannot function without the direct synergistic commitment to the people involved in each process. Change is vital!

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