Continual Improvement...
~ Liberating Your Hidden Talent ~
Whenever and wherever the employee can be actively engaged in the stages of design and implementation of strategic changes, the result will be greater commitment to newly improved systems. This mean smoother transitions, less non-productive "down-time" and greater employee participation--guaranteeing full integration and daily utilization of new systems and improvements.
People Involved If You Want Them To Improve...
Profit-Ability Improvement
Increases When Your Stakeholders Cooperate:
Reliable & Profitable Business Management Systems |
Develop Timely Two-Way
Communication & Accountability |
Develop Productive
Skills, Habits, Targets & Measures |
Additional Articles &
Resources: |
Can Best Be
Accomplished By: |
That Your Systems are Compatible & Fully Integrated |
Re-Engineering Your
Systems & Processes When Indicated |
Eliminating Vagueness
in Your Management Strategies |
Flow-Charting Your
Processes & Sub Processes |
Documenting Your
Processes & Sub-Processes |
Establishing Clear
& Fair Performance Measures |
Fully Utilizing
Employee Self-Management Strategies |
Know What's Missing...
Developing Productive Habits:
The purpose of a system, formal or informal, is to establish strategies that consistently meet the demands of a company's market. "Market-Driven" is a term that should be extended to every aspect of a company's operating systems. Why? Because increasing or holding marketshare is impossible otherwise. The time between order placement and order delivery is now so short that many employee management strategies are obsolete.
Timely Communication: In this day and age, "Market-Driven is synonymous with timely communication.
"Market-Driven" now means always servicing your customers to the very best of your ability, and obtaining immediate feedback as to the quality
of the service provided. Closing the loop with immediate feedback is vital at every level of a market-driven company. Timely delivery of critical information is, in itself, a vital internal service. A common mistake in many organizations is poor, incomplete, or late flow of critical information. Assumptions that "others need to know very little" are not only unfounded, but costly.
Profitable Action:
Communication is essential for assuring profitable action through timely response. The ability to communicate is vital for people to succeed individually and collectively. The integrity of a system comes from its reliability. Any business management system, aside from the logic it uses to manage or plan events, must be a system that builds trust. A business management system is a communication system for people. People must believe in and use the system if it is to be a profitable tool. Without good, clear, effective, and timely communication as to the demands of the marketplace, and the ability of any one of the business entities in a company to respond, a company can only hope for good luck, patient customers, and understanding employees.
MCTS guides you through the development of "peopleware" management systems to facilitate achievement of your company's strategic directives. "Peopleware" is a term we use to describe the skills needed to successfully integrate information technology into the human work environment. "Peopleware" is a much neglected but crucial factor for success in business today. Business now has access to the finest hardware, software, and technical support ever developed, yet due to "peopleware" problems, these technologically advanced systems often deliver less than optimal results.