About MCTS
What We Do:

At MCTS, we design, develop, and implement Profit-Ability Improvement Strategies. We are unique in our ability to simultaneously decrease operational costs while increasing employee productivity and morale. We know how to Liberate, Measure and Reward the Innovative Talent of Your Workforce. If you are faced with the need to cut costs and/or reduce staff we can help manage details of the transition and assure that service and quality issues are not compromised in the process. Using contract services to manage these transitions means we address the employee issues and adjustments in a minimum of time (typically 3-4 weeks max.) and you are free to maintain the stability of your business.
We believe and can show that many of these strategies, properly implemented, will pay for themselves. We implement cost effective strategies that increase the operational Profit-Ability of your Projects & Teams. Employees achieve measurable gains that are easy for employees to understand, develop and improve on their own! We provide or outsource many operational technologies you may need. We help you align your company operating systems and human resource strategies in order to establish an integrated self-improving management system. Our goal is to set up a system that allows you to resolve problems before they happen. We have no desire to dazzle you with fancy terminology and methods. We like to do what works and eliminate what causes people and systems to fail. We do this by directly enrolling the interest of your employees in the values of continual improvement for themselves and extend those good findings to become profitability gains for your entire company.
We plan to be around for a good long time. We can drop by to see how it's going. We can step in when you need us, and bow out when you and your employees are ready to go deeper in your commitments to the work and to each other. For a flat rate, we can provide an organizational and/or process audits designed to evaluate and identify problems that are limiting the effectiveness of your internal operations in several specific areas. This detailed assessment can then be looked at to determine what interventions would be the most cost-effective to implement when you decide that you want to go further. We help you develop profitable, effective, responsive people management systems in which all members are dedicated to continually improving processes, events, and work-relationships. We teach employees and teams how to reinforce "productive habits" and eliminate "non productive habits".
How We Do It:
We focus on the advantages of ERP, Hoshin Kanri, Policy Deployment, Strategic Coaching, Employee Self-Management, and Team Building. The willingness and ability of your employees to embrace and utilize these improvements is what matters to your company's ability to succeed in its market place. One of our greatest assets is our ability to get people enrolled in new ways of looking at old problems. Another is our ability to inspire individuals to risk becoming more of who they really are in the workplace. Truth, vision, integrity and authenticity are vital to every company's ability to adapt to the changing demands of its markets..
Scope of Work:

All projects begin with a scope of work. Whether the project involves developing an implementation plan or requires managing a complete project, the scope of work defines what MCTS will do to meet your expectations. It is your assurance that we understand each other. To ensure a consistent quality of work on implementation management projects, we use a four-phased approach. The specific tasks will vary, depending upon the scope of work. The project manager establishes project milestones, organizes the team, and outlines project strategies. Individual site requirements are inventoried, any issues are resolved, and the schedule is refined.
We plan to be around for a good long time. We can drop by to see how it's going. We can step in when you need us, and bow out when you and your employees are ready to go deeper in your commitments to the work and to each other. For a flat rate, we can provide an organizational and/or process audits designed to evaluate and identify problems that are limiting the effectiveness of your internal operations in several specific areas. This detailed assessment can then be looked at to determine what interventions would be the most cost-effective to implement when you decide that you want to go further. We help you develop profitable, effective, responsive people management systems in which all members are dedicated to continually improving processes, events, and work-relationships. We teach employees and teams how to reinforce "productive habits" and eliminate "non productive habits".
We Inventory Your Systems:
The MCTS process begins with taking an inventory of what is working in your company. When vagueness is eliminated from your processes and systems, People's perceptions shift, morale improves and employees are empowered to see what is worthy of praise and what needs to be changed.Employees become empowered as "process-managers" who redefine their own work processes. With a properly defined and continually improving conceptual understanding of those work processes can be easily communicated, people are better able to manage each and every crisis situation. It is not new technology that employees resist. It is usually the way that new technology is introduced that elicits reactions of resentment, fear and resistance. Here are some common symptoms:

At MCTS, we know the resistance itself is useful for determining what needs to be changed in each system. We will train your employees to investigate the resistance, identify the problem, and trace the problem back to its original source. All resources are utilized to carry out the identified scope of work. The client reviews and approves the work as it is completed.

Pamela Halstead Williamson For over 18 years, Pamela has been involved with several business restructuring projects - plotting the course for organizational change, using standard accounting policies, procedures, and programs, to manage budgets during critical transitions. At times, she has stepped in temporarily to assume management roles in several operations until key assets -business systems and qualified employees - are in place to close the project.
She continues to design custom databases for clients using FileMaker Pro, enhancing our clients’ ability manage their customer data, scheduling systems, and financial information, where over-the-counter software solutions are maladapted to business functions and environment, or cost prohibitive.

Steve Williamson Over the past 34 years Steve has worked with hundreds of companies in diverse industries. He has trained over 1800 professionals in the United States, Canada, Australia, France, and Great Britain, including numerous Project Teams implementing closed-loop manufacturing accountability systems in small companies as well as large companies with more than 800 employees.