Global Success...
Machines can function well alone. People do not. People are relational. If no one is around, people will relate to their isolation in one way or another. Success is also relational. Global success is when everyone gains. Global success also requires a clear vision of:
1. What is to be done?
2. What it will take?
3. What resources are available?
4. What resources must be acquired?Global success occurs when correct action, two-way communication, accountability and fairness all come together. And our shared vision is realized--without any individual losses.
Keeping Promises...
Overcoming Resistance...
Turning Communication Into a System...
Identifying the Heart of What Really Matters...
ERP-MRP Evolution…
ERP & Hoshin Kanri…
ERP Implementations…
Profit-Ability Improvement... (¬Click here to see definitions)
Profit-Ability Management Principles... (¬Click here to see definitions)
People, Empowerment & Profit-Ability… (¬Click here to access articles)
Hoshin Kanri & Deming's Plan-Do-Check-Act... (PDCA) Cycle…