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Steve Williamson, MAT, CPIM

1 P.O. Box 4413, Boulder, CO 803061

1 1-866-ASK-MCTS 1


1 Profile: ERP-MRPII Implementation Consultant able to quickly identify/implement strategic solutions to complex problems with a hands-on, lead-by-example, management style, which fosters a culture of teamwork, shared mission, and a dedication to excellence and continual improvement. Recognized for exceptional talents in revising operations and reinvigorating under performing, cross-functional teams to drive strong/sustainable productivity gains, cost reductions; quality improvements; results-driven; able to train diverse populations in a multitude of philosophies that produce gains that are easy to measure.

1 Client Services: As consultant/trainer/coach/manager, have assisted hundreds of diverse international & domestic companies with implementation, application and understanding of ERP-MRPII Systems including J.D. Edwards, Computer Associates AS/400, as well as several PC-based manufacturing software systems; including Continual Improvement JIT Strategies, Team Building/Leadership Strategies, Performance Measure Design, Implementation & Training in Engineer-to-Order, Configure-to-Order, Process Manufacturing, Discrete Manufacturing, and Distribution environments implementing the following methods/philosophies:

Enterprise Resource Planning
Resource Capacity Planning
Master Production Scheduling
Product Structures & Shop Routers
Materials Requirements Planning
Production Activity Control / JIT

Key Areas of Expertise

Hoshin Kanri / Policy Deployment
Team Building & Employee Involvement
Organizational Assessments & System Audits

Project/Implementation Planning
Accountability & Communication

Cost Reduction & Profit Growth

Profit-Ability Management Principles
Process Redesign & Reengineering
Performance/Productivity Improvement
Employee Self-Management Strategies
ISO-Compliant Documentation
Continual Improvement

1 Performance: Consistently received “Distinguished” rating on merit and annual performance reviews while in corporate employment. Excerpts from past management evaluations provided below:

“...Steve consistently exceeds expectations...assumes active leadership and is generally `one step ahead’...(he) has taken the initiative to integrate new systems into the department and helped to make it a great success...consistently meets performance goals and solves problems under pressure...exceptional ability to express ideas...dynamic, forceful, and comprehensive...an outstanding personality for this job....” Richard Hardcastle, Computer Associates, Inc.

1 Improvements: Extensive experience in organizational development, strategic planning, design & development of continuous improvement systems, implementation and training procedures for manufacturing and all related functions, customer service systems, tech support, and data-collection systems, development of personnel policies & procedures, user training formats and classes, product evaluations, software design & development; including detailed design specifications for programming staffs; good rapport with engineering teams and R&D projects.

“Steve has developed several innovative programs to help motivate users and build the momentum required for effective MRPII implementation...(he) has helped to improve many aspects of our educational and hot-line support services and continues to do and outstanding job...” Richard Hardcastle, Computer Associates, Inc.

1 Innovation: Voted “most innovative trainer” by 30 member credential training group; have conducted workshops at several national conferences for manufacturing professionals; Served on the Board of Directors for Redwood Empire Chapter of APICS as Chapter President, Executive VP, and Director of Certification, introducing innovative changes now SOP. Completion of several project management assignments, utilized for numerous start-up projects; accountability systems, large & small.

1 Non-Profit Management: In addition to therapist duties, as director of a psychological services program for a veterans service agency, developed and formalized: intake evaluation procedures; crisis intervention protocol; an internship program; fundraising and bulk mailing campaigns, radio and TV presentations, video productions, and in-service trainings for Psychologists, other Human Service Professionals & Agencies across 5 counties of Northern California; contributed at two regional conferences and one national conference.

“. . .The counseling component under Steve’s supervision has maintained the highest standards and has been used as a model by numerous other veteran’s organizations. . .” James C. Daniels, Executive Director, Flower of the Dragon, Inc.

“ . . .Steve has a considerable capacity for empathy, which he brings to bear in constructive ways with clients, to assist them in clarifying the issues which they face. He has a strong sense of responsibility and has quite consistently demonstrated an attachment to his profession far beyond the ordinary. . .” Michel Roublev, Ph.D., Wright Institute

“Yours was the most worthwhile workshop I’ve attended in ages...You were the highlight of the conference...” Participants

1 Non-Profit Grant Proposals: Developed several grant proposals for employment & psychological counseling programs, including “Pain/Stress Reduction Program” for Vietnam Veterans. This program was used as a prototype for veteran’s "Operation Outreach" centers funded & developed at a national level by the Veteran’s Administration. For this work, picture appeared in NEWSWEEK.

“ . . .I have suggested that several individuals and agencies interested in helping the Vietnam Veteran contact you about your proposed treatment program. It is excellent . . .” Charles R. Figley Ph.D., Purdue University

1 Employment Counseling: Career planning, job-seeking skills, interview techniques, using transferable skills, stress reduction for job search & job keeping; 1½ years experience as vocational counselor & employment program supervisor.

1 UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE TEACHING: Have taught a variety of courses over the past 20 yrs in many subject areas. Credentialed Subject Areas: Physics; Math; Astronomy; Psychology; Guidance Counseling; Business & Industrial Management; Manufacturing; Marketing & Distribution.


M.A.T. PHYSICS, University of California, Los Angeles, 1975
M.A. PSYCHOLOGY, California State University, Sonoma, 1977

-- References Available Upon Request --

website: www.mcts.com / e-mail: steve@mcts.com


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