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Work-Flow Process Analysis & Strategies…

One of the most common problems of shared work environments is the belief that everyone knows how the work of various teams or workgroups is done. This is seldom so. The tools we provide allow your employees to quickly and easily flow-chart your workflow using standards that can be applied company-wide. These standards allow everyone in the company to clearly understand how work is done in every area of the company. This makes accountability possible. Employees are better informed—they know where to go & who to talk to—and are able to solve many daily problems on their own. To do a job correctly, you must know what products you are to produce, what services you provide, and how your methods affect others in your work-area.

Flow-charts are easy to produce and easy to read. If you can do your job, you can also make a map that shows others how you do what you do. There are always points in your day that become a critical path for completion of your work, most often because you rely on another to provide you with materials or information, or assistance on critical tasks that are labor intensive.

Here’s a Sample:


Flow-charts are tools of communication. So if you adopt the right set of standards, others will be able to follow your “map.” Clear communication is obviously essential. Prove to your self that you know how your work “lays out” then get feedback from others.

Show the products or services you produce or deliver--who or where you deliver each product or service, etc. These maps will help you and others “see” points of conflict before the problems occur, if you use these tools correctly and continually.

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