Management Consulting & Training ServicesWhere Innovation Matters

Let's improve your company's operational strategies together!

Process Design & Re-Engineering

~ Increasing Productivity & Profit-Ability ~

Business Process Reengineering is the redesign of business processes and their associated systems and organizational structures to achieve a dramatic improvement in business performance.  The reasons businesses are making such changes could include poor financial performance, external competition, erosion of market share or emerging market opportunities. 

Strategy / Processes / Technology / Organization / Culture
~ If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It!! ~

There are so many competing philosophies today for the right way to get your company on the proper path for profitability. One must be very careful to assure that the cure itself is not the cause of increased short-term costs.  We believe that anyone can learn to use the various tools available and encourage independent action where ever it does not pose a risk to the overall health and well-being of the company! The links provided below will help you gain and develop an understanding of the reservations others have toward BPR and The Six Sigma Way. Years ago SPC, Statistical Process Control was a new strategy for incremental improvement. Methodologies for radical change have been criticized and endorsed by resources that view one tool to be better or more advantageous than another.

HERE IS OUR VIEW OF WHAT MATTERS: The tool applied must fit the need of the organization. The philosophy adopted must fit and support the core values and culture of the organization. We believe that our ability to do this well, at least-cost, with a maximization of employee involvement. This is what makes our services valuable and cost-effective for your company.  To this end, we may also be able to offer your company a way to reduce your up-front investment.

Processes What's Wrong With Business Process Reengineering...
Processes What BPR Can Do To/For Your Employees...
The Dark Side of the Pursuit of Perfection...
Processes The Six Sigma Controversy...
Processes Best Practices in Change Management...
Processes Best Practices in BPR & Process Design...
Benchmarking is the Search for Best Practices...

~ The Processes of Organization and Management ~

Business Process Reengineering: "It may be clear to you that your company's budget process needs improving, but where do you begin? Are you seeking improvements in a process cycle time, the quality the process produces, or to lower existing production costs? Either way, you need to analyze your budget process before improving it. In the budget process, the strategic and operational planners' primary concern is to develop a realistic plan that can be used to chart and measure the business's progress. One most important information resources is the management personnel. Historical data accumulated by accounting systems' databases is another.  Clearly identifying the sources of budget information improves understanding of how changes can be implemented..." (click here to view the entire article!)

~ And More Related Links ~

Processes Wasted Action Is Not Work...
Processes What Is Hoshin Kanri? & What Is Its History?

Processes Profit-Ability  Management Principles & Process Design

Processes The MCTS Profit-Ability Mgt Principles, In Detail...

Processes Organizational Development & Accountability...